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GraphQL Reference


DEPRECATED Create a new Project MetadataField with your desired configuration. Requires basic:write scope to be accessible and Project permission level EDIT. This field will be removed. Use createCustomMetadataProperty instead. | Date: 2025-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00

All mutations have exactly one input field called input with a unique input and return type. This is useful to write mutations with variables, so there is always one single variable per mutation. This makes it easier to use and reuse them.

Input fields of CreateMetadataFieldInput
projectId: ID!

Project/Library Id where metadata field should be created.

label: String!

Create custom metadata field label.

type: MetadataFieldType! = TEXT

Create custom metadata field type.

Create custom metadata field allowed values. Only valid for SELECT type fields.

defaultValue: String

New custom metadata default value option. This value will be set to all new assets.

allowMultipleValues: Boolean = false

Allow multiple values in SELECT type Metadata Field.

allowEmptyValue: Boolean = false

Allow an empty value as a valid SELECT type Metadata Field value.

isSearchable: Boolean = true

Allow users to search for Metadata Field values in the Frontify UI.

isEditable: Boolean = true

Allow users to edit Metadata Field values in the Frontify UI.

isVisible: Boolean = true

Show/hide Metadata Field values in the Frontify UI.

Fields of CreateMetadataField

Created MetadataField.