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GraphQL Reference
Input Object Type


No description
Input Fields
projectId: ID!

Project/Library Id where metadata field should be created.

label: String!

Create custom metadata field label.

type: MetadataFieldType! = TEXT

Create custom metadata field type.

Create custom metadata field allowed values. Only valid for SELECT type fields.

defaultValue: String

New custom metadata default value option. This value will be set to all new assets.

allowMultipleValues: Boolean = false

Allow multiple values in SELECT type Metadata Field.

allowEmptyValue: Boolean = false

Allow an empty value as a valid SELECT type Metadata Field value.

isSearchable: Boolean = true

Allow users to search for Metadata Field values in the Frontify UI.

isEditable: Boolean = true

Allow users to edit Metadata Field values in the Frontify UI.

isVisible: Boolean = true

Show/hide Metadata Field values in the Frontify UI.